Wendy Wilson

Wendy Wilson Creates

Location – Coldwater Community Centre

Website – https://www.wendywilsoncreates.ca/

Phone  –  647-390-7024

Email  – wbikes1@gmail.com

Contact Artist

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Wendy Wilson love’s showcasing white pine from the Georgian Bay/Muskoka regions in her artwork. Her home is on an island in Georgian Bay surrounded by white pine. Wendy’s art studio is next to the lake and her adventures in mountain biking and boating give her inspiration to paint in explosions of colour with a touch of whimsy. She works in oil, acrylic and mixed media. She has collectors worldwide. The need to paint and express thoughts and feelings are inside her and she loves what she’s doing every day!

Artist Statement

Living on an island in Georgian Bay gives me opportunities to take many photos of white pine which is my inspiration for all of my paintings. My use of colour is bold and magical.

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