Sarah Porter
Bad Excuse Designs
Location – Coldwater Community Centre
Contact Artist
My inspiration comes from many sources: nature; the quality of light at dawn and dusk, and across a
field of snow; daydreaming come to life.
I find such joy in the endless transformational possibilities that come with kiln-forming glass, and I think it’s reflected in my work. I love to revisit, combine and redefine my skillset. Ultimately my work is as much a journey of self-exploration as it is an exploration of the material; the 2 are inextricably linked. I am so lucky to be represented by 3 Ontario galleries, and in private collections in Canada, the US, UK, New Zealand and Switzerland!
Artist Statement
I’ve been kiln-forming glass since 2010 when the medium captivated me and took hold forever: colour, depth, light and shadow; wearable, sculptural, functional…. irresistible!